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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The UNU Group's resources on The Antichrist, by Ahmad Mokhzani Abdullah

The UNU Group is deeply concerned over the catastrophes that are befalling Humanity at present and in particular the future coming of The False Messiah. We feel called to warn Mankind about his arrival, based on our research into books, sacred texts, secret documents and legitimate conspiracy websites.

The Antichrist according to the Prophet of Islam is the greatest tribulation that God has ever created on the Planet, from the time of Adam until the Day of Judgement, thus making his advent an issue of great importance.

There is a possiblity that he is the person pulling the strings behind the World events at present, including the recent 2006 massacre of Lebanese civilians, during which pamhlets had been distributed in Lebanon by Hizbullah concerning the coming of 'The Twelth Imam', while simultaneously Rabbis in Israel were giving glad tiding of the Jewish 'Moshiach'. The massacre witnessed countless civilians being killed or injured and not even one target of Hizbullah had been hit.

Interesting to note that Shiism owes its birth to a Yemenite Jew who became Muslim and then incited hatred towards most of the Companions of Muhammad peace be upon him.

Please visit these resources:

The AMA Conspiracy Archive

The UNU Conspiracy Archive

The Antichrist Identity

The Antichrist Conspiracies

The Antichrist Prophecies

The Conspiracy World

The Prophecy World

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